The number one most asked question in almost every session has to do with our career. What do people normally ask:
· When can I quit my job? Should I quit?
· What else can I do (that is all I know for work)?
· What is my purpose besides doing my current job?
· Is the next move a better one?
· Can I start my own business?
As the year begins, this is where most people will come to me for, and then hopefully collect their bonus and exit. Some asked me if I feel the weight on my shoulders at times! Haha.

Jim came to see me in 2019 regarding the need for career change. It is the third year he is coming back with the same question – if he should change his job. His dilemma is due to his inability to speak good English, and has been in the same field of work since his first job. I told him casually and politely not to see me again if he is coming back for the fourth year with the same question! We laughed.
When one who has a lot of fear, one has a lot to defend!
We may say when stakes are high, we have more to consider. Well, having met countless clients thus far, regardless how high or low stakes are, it boils down to GREED. (Opps! Thought provoking moment!)

We go into a situation where we get conflicted even though deep down, we likely know the answer. We are not happy where we are, how we are treated. We start asking questions such as “Is this better or the other… this or that?” We cannot bear to let go; too many choices, and we want it all, best of everything!
If you want something, you have to just dispose of something else.
That is the problem. We often fear too much to let go and worry that it may not be good enough.
In Jim’s case, here is his hesitation:
· Restricted by language, resulting in limited choices
· Restricted by the type of work he does, he felt he cannot do anything else
In our session together, using numerology to better understand his profile, I found that even moving onto a new job, he will still pose certain challenges and lessons. Sounds like neither is in his favor!
Question to him was: if he would be happy staying on in his current job. The answer is CLEARLY NO. As I digged deeper, it was revealed that:
· His boss is biased towards him, and does not really listen
· He is unnoticed at work, no presence felt
· No opportunities for progression (based on conversations shared)
Does it sound familiar to some of you? What would you do? Stay on in this job which literally feels like a dead end, or change job despite knowing that the new move may pose some difficulties and challenges?
For Jim’s case, two years have passed and he continued to sit there stagnant and clearly unhappy! Nothing would really change for another year or two, not unless he make some major shift within himself. The only likely change would be the impact on our overall mental, physical, emotional state of staying on in the job.
We derived at some outcomes – not to let these fears become his obstacles. In nature, he is a sweet person, soft spoken, very logical, introvert and not very confident. As such, even moving on to any organization, he is likely to still face the same situation of being left unnoticed, less preferred due to his lower self-confidence.
Coming for a consultation is great. I definitely appreciate having the opportunity to value add as much as I can for my clients. However a session alone cannot just change your life if we do not take the necessary actions given along with it. The session is not the miracle pill. It can serve as a guide and sometimes a good warning sign, but not do the work for you.
Jim was suggested to go take up certain classes to master his communication and confidence skills, and to understand what his working experience thus far is teaching him. Otherwise, regardless where he goes, it would still pose the same problem and as with technology changing so fast in this new era. Up Above clearly wants him to learn certain lessons which he has yet to understand and transcend from it.
(Even without a consult) If one does not upgrade ourselves, we can become obsolete. Just like Doctors, they regularly go back to upgrade themselves with new knowledge, attend extra courses related so they are up to date about the world of medicine and its technology of advancement.
As we close of the session, I cheekily asked Jim if he would go join one of the classes that I suggested, he chuckled, hesitated and could not give definite YES. Once again, it would take time for him to get out of his comfort zone, til then……
What can we learn from here:
· Consultations can give us clarity and serve as a form of guidance. It help us to develop qualities within us and understand our own journey better.
· Consultation is not your miracle pill for you still need to do your part. Eg a negative tarot reading. If you do nothing about it, it is likely a negative outcome versus you do the necessary changes and you can achieve a positive change!
· Up above always has a plan for everyone to evolve. With understanding after a session, you can minimize and accept a tough situation more easily and navigate through it.

As for career wise, I love to give some suggestions for those who are exploring a career switch:
Assess yourself. Evaluate your own values, qualities, transferable skills you can bring to the table. Use self-assessment tools. In my workshops, I provide ‘colored brain’ profiling to access the way genetically how our brain perceive information and affects the way we communicate and behave. Numerology is another great assessment tool to learn more about ourselves.
Train for your new career. Changing your career may mean you have to undergo some training, Find out what skills you already have and which ones you need to acquire. Learning new skills could also take the form of earning a degree or certification.
Consider alternative careers. Research career options, and discuss your values and skills with friends, family, and other contacts. Transferable skills are very helpful in making transits. Meet with career coach need be.
So good luck to all who are exploring new career possibilities.
Understanding and associating yourself with your numerological identity can effectively help you to recognize your strengths and areas of growth, inner needs, your real identity, soul purpose as we well as your hidden potential and talents. Like a way of living, a guide that can help you build better relationships and live your true potential in your career.
Visit for the type of coaching support to help you become better visions of yourself.