Hi there!
I'm Brenda
6 Facts About Brenda…
- I have a “green and red brain” ie. a ‘creator and structured’ profile. This enables me to spring up ideas spontaneously, and fix issues creatively.
- I used to spot a Mohawk hair. What I thought was cool turned out otherwise. I was often called the Ice Queen back in school.
- I challenged myself to doing Brazilian samba in younger days, totally out of my comfort zone as much as I love to dance!
- I broke 2 Singapore Book of Records!
- I enjoy tea appreciation, cycling, calisthenics and yoga.
- I have gone through major BREAKUPS, quarter life crisis worrying about my job, to searching for my soul purpose, feeling lost and stuck. You are not alone!

You are not lost. You are just in the season of discoveries, revelations, and evolvement.
Brenda Tan

My Story
I know first-hand what it totally feels like – looking glamourous on the outside but feels crap on the inside. As I look back in the last 20 years, from someone who flunk her GCE O’ level exams, enrolled into the worst school for teens, to managing close to 100 staff at just age 26 in an MNC. Life was great! All glamorous especially in the banking world!
My story was picked up and cited by Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee in our National Day rally speech in 2008, as “a life that exemplifies our Singapore story”. But I was not happy.
I quit my job in 2010 and went into my spiritual journey. My life went the other way round. I spiraled down as an entrepreneur to almost being bankrupt. I felt so miserable.
Big A-ha moment: I was unhappy when I had success and money. I was also unhappy when I was on my spiritual journey and with very little money!
That led me on a self-discovery journey about what is true contentment in life. What would shape me to become a better, joyful being feeling more fulfilled?

In that same period, my love life spiralled downwards. I broke up and really detested the man I was dating then. I felt he was very selfish, emotionally cold and did not know how to better express love and care. I asked Up Above why he was sent into my life! I was blaming a lot and it haunted me. I even went to stay in a Monastery for couple weeks to find answers.
I learnt that no matter how much external healing we can get, it is temporary, and we have to go within to heal. I begin to face my ‘Ugly Truth’, going deeper to understand what messed me up!
The journey allowed me to cleanse, find strategies to support concurrently and how to transcend these distortions. I had many empowering lessons around self-love, self-worth, my resonances…..
I finally understood what my life’s program is, and why things are such for me. I now wish to help others back because I know how we can slip into victim mode easily.
Today, as an Author, Intuitive Guide and Numerologist, I have helped numerous individuals get unstuck, heal their emotions and inner child, and tapping into their life’s potential across career, love, purpose and more.
I have trained under many esteemed teachers in dreams and signs decoding, energy healing methodologies, tarot and oracle card readings, past life regression, hypnotherapy and more.
As a Corporate Trainer, Business Coach, and Safe Conversations Facilitator, that makes me the go-to expert with my myriad of corporate, business and life experiences, knowledge and sound advice sought during consultation. My clients span across countries such as Australia, Brazil, USA, Canada, UK, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore.
I am also an adjunct lecturer where I work with many teens that have special needs. In my free time, I volunteer for our Women Prison Services and these experiences taught me a lot about gratitude.
Life’s too short to be unhappy, unsure, or unfulfilled. I am here to help you achieve a more positive outlook on life and provide you with all the tools necessary to get you unstuck through different life transitions.
Whether it is a one to one consultation, private coaching or corporate training, it would be tailored to the needs and interests of each individual client.